1001 Stories
The former San Agustín Monastery is a multi-disciplinary space devoted to the avant-garde, fashion, literature, cinema, comics and more…

It is one of the most unique spots in the huge historic district. The former San Agustín Monastery is home to the Historias Centre, a place for culture in the broadest sense of the term. The building has three floors, two of which are used for temporary exhibitions. The other houses the Origami Museum, the only one in Europe devoted to this ancient paper art. It also contains the Tránsito Space, reserved for emerging artists, as well as the Crypt, used for medium-sized exhibitions. The Historias Centre hosts a wide range of events, including avant-garde art, photography, fashion, décor, illustration, comics, cinema, theatre, the media and more. It is worth keeping an eye on the centre’s programming, which includes talks, workshops and other activities in the courtyard, just a stone’s throw from one of the most delightful parks in Zaragoza: Bruil Park. It also provides a venue for various film festivals, series and specialized conferences throughout the year.